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This post is for anyone who dreams of one day starting their own business.
About five years ago I started a correspondence course in interior design. I have always loved houses and gardens and thought it may be a bit of fun. Not long after I started I fell pregnant with my eldest son, Oliver so the course was put on hold.
At the end of last year I finally decided to open the books again and finish what I had started, I had already paid for it so why not!
The final assignment was a rather large one and involved designing a retail space. It was as I was walking past our shed (looking as it was in the last picture above) that the idea of a little store run from both our farm and online came to mind.
When my gorgeous husband arrived home that afternoon I couldn't wait to tell him what I had come up with, but was a little apprehensive as to what he would say. To my surprise he was incredibly supportive and excited!
Over a coffee at Cibo I relayed my idea next to my incredibly talented best friend and marketing guru, Katie of Biskate Marketing who got me working full steam ahead on my business plan, registering for an ABN and business name. Katie helped me immensely with my website, logo, business cards and many, many other things I would not have even thought of! I owe a huge amount of the success and professionalism of the business to her. It took some months for it all to come together and hours and hours of research.
In February this year The White Shed was launched with over 100 locals from all over the Peninsula and a few of my lovely friends from Adelaide attending the opening night. Big thanks to my husband Paul, mum Madelyn, sister in law Jo and mother in law Jill for their help on the night it was a huge success but so exhausting! Jo is due with baby number 3 in October and blames the launch night for this conception!! Might have been the bottle of Moet!
Since the launch my shop opens once a week and by appointment and has had a steady flow of clients visit both local and from afar.
In June this year The White Shed and our house were profiled in Australian Country Collections Magazine. We even made the front cover! Orders and enquiries started coming from all over the country and I decided it was time to go full steam ahead with the online store.
This was launched on the 13th August. I still have a LOT to learn about the site but I am getting there and I am enjoying evey minute. Yesterday I received a fantastic email from an online customer telling me how much she loved her purchases. That makes me happy!
This is the story of The White Shed so far. I am so excited to see where it takes me!
So to anyone who has ever dreamed of starting their own business I say "go for it and dont't look back, the possibilities are endless"!
Congratulations Letitia, it's so great to hear success stories like yours. Your shed looks amazing, and I only wish I was closer - I'd love to wander through all the gorgeous goodies you have there! K xx
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story Letitia. I am currently in the middle of my interior design course and I would love to be able to work for myself one day. It is great to hear how you have achieved it. Congratulations. xx
Oh it's the most gorgeous shed. Leaves retail shop spaces for dead! Congratulations on your success... dreams do come true... you've just got to start them! A-M xx
As a happy on-line customer, I'm thrilled to see some images of The White Shed. The girls over on Yorkies must be ready to nominate you for Aust. of The Year for bringing such beauty to their world.
Millie ^_^
Thanks Letitia for such an inspiring blog! This is exactly what I need to read to gain the confidence to "just do it". I guess the really daunting thing for me is knowing where to start - how to find the sources of products, etc once I have an ABN. I guess I'm just not sure where to go from here. Please keep your story going.....x
Congratulations - talking about making a dream come true!
Hi Letitia, what a lovely and inspiring post. Thank you for sharing that with us. I would love to do something similar one day... Your shed looks amazing and I would love to wander through it. Your online store is great as well. I am sure you will do very well. ;-)
Letitia, Congrtaulations on a wonderful & inspiring story. Your shed looks amazing & your online store is fabulous. Having your own business brings along so many emotions & a great sense of pride & acheivement. Congratulations & all the best for the future!!!!
Where did you take your course?
Thanks for sharing your story!
Oh, so amazing!! I want that bus scroll picture and I see some in tea-towels? I like the photo of the pairs in black and white!!! I wish you didn't live on the other side of the world!!!!
Beautiful Letitia!
Yay! I can't wait to make it out to your 'Shed' one day, Letitia - such a gorgeous space. You make Mother's Day, birthdays and Christmas so much easier! Oh, and you make redecorating a little place like mine so much fun x
It's so great to read how you got started Letitia and very inspiring. I am hoping to come for a visit when we are in Adelaide next year...wonder how many goodies I can squeeze into my hand luggage.
Congrats on all you have achieved so far!
Beautiful! Very inspiring!
Vari @ Buttercup Ink xx
Letitia, what an inspiring story! I could live in your shed, no trouble whatsoever... your collection of items is just stunning.
Angela x
I have a little online store...it was something I needed after my babies was born. It's successful and keeps me busy but what I wanted though was a "real store" but living in a small rural town of Nth Qld of just 600 people I didnt think it was viable but YOU inspired me to give it a try and so now I am in the process of opening out of my shed. I cant wait!! (my husband however is not so sure he lost half his shed)I wish you so much success in everything you do and would love to see your space sometime. Again thank you!!
WOW! What a dreamy little slice of heaven!
m ^..^
Wow Letitia!!! You are such in inspiration, I am in awe of what you have created!! Your Shed looks like my idea of Heaven. I have never been to S.A. before but I really hope I will one day in the not too distant future and your Shed will be on my list of "must-do". I'll be bringing my empty suitcase that's for sure.
Christine xx
P.S. Who did you do the online course through?
What a fabulous post Letitia - and what an awesome story. Congratulations on your success so far, I know it is only the beginning of great things.
When I'm next over on the peninsula I'll definitely make an appointment to drop in and see it in person, the photos are fabulous.
The website looks great, believe me I know the hours it takes so set up - well done!
Kimberlee xxxx
Congratulations Letitia! What a gorgeous, gorgeous shop. I had a look at your website the other day, it's fantastic. I'll definitely be shopping there soon. Just wish you were close enough to visit. Can I feature your shop as my Beautiful Shop tomorrow? Rachaelxx
Hi Letitia I hope you don't mind but I have added a link toyour blog & online store in a post. I really love what your doing !
Cheers Trish
You are living my dream!!! It was pleasant reading your story. Good Luck in all that you do.
CONGRATULATIONS, Letitia, you are inspirational. My husband has just walked into the study, I can't wait to send you this, so I can show him your gorgeous "White Shed". Well done! Mimi
This looks amazing, very envious and if I ever find my self in your area I will be sure to call in.
Would love to order some things but just got a phone call from the vet and my 13 yr old dog has done her knee and needs a $1700 surgery, haven't told hubby yet. No more shopping for me :-(
Congratulations! It looks simply gorgeous. You have fantastic taste. I love it. Emma. xx
congrats Letitia, looks fabulous! best of luck with all, but i doubt you need it, i'm sure this will go off with a bang!
Absolutely. Beautiful.
I feel privileged to live here on Yorkes! Love that you have shared your story, it seems you are continuing to inspire many women out there. I didnt know the full details of how you came about The White Shed - a great story. So glad you followed your instincts and dreams. Loving that I can just drive out there, not loving my big lack of funds - because you have the best prices and I want a lot of it!! Look forward to my gradual spend, and an future consult.
Rebecca x
PS I LOVE the Curry Pub too!
Thanks so much for sharing your story! You have a gorgeous store - I only wish it were just down the road. Your online store is filled with beauty - you have a great eye.
I too am almost finished an interior design course, and also have a little business of my own. Stories like yours fill me with inspiration and perseverance. Michelle
I meant to comment sooner but I did want to say that your shed is absolutely gorgeous! I have no doubt that you will do well and I only wish I was closer to visit. x
Good on you, Letitia. Your "shed" looks amazing. I wish you all the success in the world with your business venture. Best wishes, Vanessa.
So lovely! xo
When the base colors of the room are very muted and dull then in the winter months specially color may be added through added accessories like cushions and decorations.
What's your floor made of?
We do monthly barn sales but I have one building with dirt floors...too costly to do concrete but wondered what you did?
Little prairie girl
From Iowa
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